One upon a time, a morning in autumn 2017, a coffee after dropping the kids off at school. Tired of making lunch boxes all school days ! Also tired of varying the menus, of making good and balanced, without throwing everything in the trash in the evening!
Even after several years, habit does not give way to coercion ... We have also heard so often new families being surprised by the absence of this service ...
We imagine the crazy idea of offering a catering service to all the parents of the French school in The Hague.
And then, we discuss it with the management team of the school, who trust us in the development of our project. This help was invaluable, facilitating our reflection and our procedures.
Our values
The idea gained ground and very quickly our values appeared:
- We want fresh, homemade
- We keep our French style
- The least possible waste
- The easiest possible service for parents and children
Our experience at your service
We gathered our ideas (and those of friends), made choices, changed our minds too. We have put all our efforts and drawn on our previous experiences.
Coming from the industrial world and the world of consulting, reflexes came very quickly regarding logistical organization and project management.
The school administration was also able to share with us their experiences in other establishments.
All of this has been our strength.
The desire to do well
For several months, we refined our offer to be in line with our values.
- an easy website for parents (thank you Antoine!) And pretty visual identity (thank you Delphine and Dorota)
- an efficient organization of distribution for children, with the support of high school staff
- hot meals all days for all children (including kindergarden)
- a service provider who lets us taste his preparations. And that's good
- the possibility of ordering until 8 p.m. the day before because we know as parents, we can have urgent and unexpected situation
Carine Defaye-Leroux et JC Granet
Des parents, des entrepreneurs,
des super-héros quoi !